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"دراسة شهيّة لمصطلحات المذاهب الأربعة الفقهية by عبد البصير بن سليمان بيلاكل الثقافية الهندي المليباري الشافعي

"دراسة شهيّة لمصطلحات المذاهب الأربعة الفقهية by عبد البصير بن سليمان بيلاكل الثقافية الهندي المليباري الشافعي

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دراسة شهيّة" is an invaluable scholarly work authored by الفقير / عبد البصير بن سليمان بيلاكل الثقافية الهندي المليباري الشافعي exploring the terminologies and methodologies of the four major Islamic jurisprudential schools (الحنفي، المالكي، الشافعي، الحنبلي). This book is an essential reference for students, scholars, and researchers who seek to understand the nuanced terminologies used in the classical texts of Islamic law.

With its clear and concise explanations, the book bridges the gaps between the schools of thought and provides readers with a thorough understanding of comparative jurisprudence. Published as the second edition, it has been revised for accuracy and enhanced with additional insights to meet the needs of contemporary learners.


  • Authoritative work by a respected scholar.
  • Focuses on the terminologies of the four major jurisprudential schools.
  • Suitable for advanced students and researchers of Islamic law.
  • Published by a credible academic source and tailored for academic study.
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